Long Time No See is a Korean BL mini Series which consisted of 5 episodes, each 15 minutes long. The series follows two men (assassins) who are ordered to kill the other, but they both don’t know and end up falling in love instead. Strongberry did want to make a follow up movie, however they cannot afford the production costs at the time of writing this. Hopefully some time in the future, that will change!
Synopsis (Credit to Vimeo):
The renowned hitman, ‘Flying Dagger’, starts dating ‘Wild Dog’ who isn't really what he seems to be. While both of them hide their secrets, they cannot help falling in love with each other. They run into danger as gangsters chase after them. Will ‘Flying Dagger’ reveal his secret identity? Will they be able to overcome obstacles and keep their love?
BL Discord: https://discord.gg/hp6Kw59
The episodes are available to either purchase or rent from Strongberry on Vimeo. They have put the episodes into one movie, as opposed to 5 short episodes. Strongberry are a super small company, so it would be great to support them where possible!
Outside of this, Long Time No See is also available on GaGaOOLaLa - you will, however, need to be subscribed in order to view it. Again, they released it as one single movie instead of 5 short episodes.